An herb is a plant or any part of a plant that is used for medicinal, aromatic, or culinary purposes. For over 5,000 years, various cultures have utilized herbs for these purposes, and many modern medicines have been derived from these same plants. In today’s world, having an herb garden can be helpful for quick remedies, to add a new flavor to an old recipe, or to ward off pests like moths or ants. Approximately 1,800 botanical gardens and arboreta are now located in roughly 150 countries worldwide. Europe has around 400 gardens, North America has 200, Russia has 150, and East Asian gardens are increasing. These gardens attract approximately 150 million visitors annually, so it is no surprise that many people have had their first exciting introduction to the wonders of the plant world in a botanical garden.
It is a beautiful area at the Hindu College of Pharmacy in Guntur. It is well-maintained and displays various medicinal plants in 1409.15 square meters. Each plant is labelled with its botanical name, and there are approximately 265 different plant species within the garden, including specialist plant collections such as succulent plants, herbs from particular parts of India, tropical plants, culinary herbs, aromatic herbs, and more. The Department of Pharmacognosy at HCOP is responsible for managing the medicinal garden, while the garden’s housekeeping staff and gardener take care of watering, cleaning, and providing pesticides as
needed. The medicinal plants in the garden are listed in the table provided below, and each plant has a nameplate that displays its vernacular and botanical names. The plants have been appropriately placed under the shade of demarcated areas and are well-cared for.
Availability of plants for scientific research/medicinal purpose
Display of plant diversity in form and use
Display of plants of particular regions (including local)
Plants grown within their particular families
Plants grown for their seed or rarity
Plants of economic significance
All plants are accurately labelled, and records are maintained