To evolve, by 2025, into one of the top institutions of excellence in pharmacy education, training, research and community outreach.


1. To impart world-class education through state-of-the-art infrastructure and through traditional as well as contemporary, ICT-enabled pedagogical practices.
2. To train and endow the students with a wholesome personality, with right knowledge, right skills, right attitude and right approach towards profession, career and society.
3. To nurture the institute into a centre of multidimensional activity in tune with the current challenges and future demands of the academia, industry and society.
4. To see that the student goes out of the college not only with a ‘degree’, but with confidence, competence, caliber and conviction, and preparedness for any task that challenges his or her knowledge or career.


PEO1 Pharmaceutical Knowledge: Pharmacy students will be trained to acquire good theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various subjects of Pharmaceutical sciences and they will be able to apply this knowledge in Pharmaceutical Industry, research, academia, Pharmaceutical marketing, Hospitals and to manage wholesale, retail Pharmacies and community health services.
PEO2 Competence: To provide students of Pharmacy with a sound knowledge in various subjects such as Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical analysis, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Bio technology, Pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, Pharmaceutical Marketing to meet the current requirements of academia, research and Industry.
PEO3 Professional Attitude: To Train the Pharmacy students by providing effective communication skills, team work skills, life skills etc., so that they will inculcate innovation, research, critical thinking and scientific temperament.
PEO4 Training for Elevation in Career: Students of Pharmacy will be guided and trained to appear for various competitive exams like GPAT, PGECET etc., to pursue higher studies at various prestigious Institutions at State, National and International level.
PEO5 Promotion of Skill Development: Students of Pharmacy are encouraged to acquire various professional skills by deputing them to attend various skill development programmes organized by State Government, and various Professional associations / College within the State and at National level.




Hindu College of Pharmacy

Phone :0863 – 2221935, 2217783,

Mobile :+91 9912342122

E-mail : admin@hcopguntur.ac.in,              hcopgnt@gmail.com,